Alina Liu, Jane Meng
Project Prompt
Create an experience manipulating image(s) and/or video(s) that tells a story
Project Idea
To combine ml5.js & color filter & animation (possibly brightness mirror) to create a seasonal change effect.
Project Parts
Our project can be broke down into three parts.
falling and rotating particles
ml5 tracking
color tint
Falling and rotating particles & ml5.js
This project called 🔗 Seasonal Snow Dome was shared by our Pcomp classmate last week. We found the falling leaves effect was done so perfectly and it inspired us to add falling particles as well in our project. We manipulated the class() file for the particles and combined it with the ml5.js.
Problems Encountered
⬇️ all problems appeared when we wanted to make our work fullscreen
if the size of the video images is set to window size, the ratio is off.
if hardcoded the size of the translated image() to be the right ratio, the ml5 tracking is off.
if the canvas is centered in the window, the image() position is off.
the particles only appear in one corner of the canvas.
tracks of falling particles can be seen in the area where the video image did not cover.
Color tint
A color tint was added to the video image() to represent a sense of each season.
Problems Encountered
when the image() is tinted, the falling particles got tinted too.